landing.view.may21ba.header=NEW: Victorian Crime Scene Bundle
landing.view.may21ba.body=Solving crimes, old school style. Antiques, curiosities and classic vibes all round! Built by BIBI983 (.FR)
landing.view.may21ba.button=See the bundle

landing.view.may21baby.header=NEW Baby Pet Bundles!
landing.view.may21baby.body=The baby pet bundles were overdue for a revamp and a refresh. New badges have been added to each, take a look!
landing.view.may21baby.button=See the bundles

landing.view.may21cf.header=NEW Rare Gold Dragon Credit Furni!
landing.view.may21cf.body=WOW IT’S A GOLD DRAGON. And it’s rare. And it’s worth 750 credits. What else do you need to know?
landing.view.may21cf.button=See the furni

landing.view.may21cloth.header=NEW Edwardian Blouse!
landing.view.may21cloth.body=To go with the theme, we just released a pretty classic looking blouse. Although this one’s Edwardian, not Victorian. Museum piece, maybe?
landing.view.may21cloth.button=See the clothing

landing.view.may21new.header=NEW Victorian items!
landing.view.may21new.body=Victorian England was a pretty harsh place if you weren’t well off. We’re putting a Habbo spin on it and keeping it pixellated and… not brutal. Check out the furni we just released!
landing.view.may21new.button=See the furni

landing.view.may21paint.header=NEW Diamond Paintings!
landing.view.may21paint.body=New paintings just landed and to be honest they’re great. Get involved, take a look.
landing.view.may21paint.button=See the furni

landing.view.may21r1.header=RARE Consulting Detective Outfit
landing.view.may21r1.body=Always nice when you can pick up an entire outfit in one go, right? This one’s a keeper. Even if you don’t like solving mysteries.
landing.view.may21r1.button=See the rare

landing.view.may21r2.header=RARE Spidery Waves
landing.view.may21r2.body=Strong hairstyle, will look GREAT in red. Are we right? Or are we right?
landing.view.may21r2.button=See the rare

landing.view.may21r3.header=RARE Silverback Gorilla
landing.view.may21r3.body=Who would win in a fight – this guy or one of the dinosaurs from the Jurassic Habbo events we did back in 2015? We’re going with this guy.
landing.view.may21r3.button=See the rare

landing.view.may21r4.header=RARE Cabinet of Curiosities
landing.view.may21r4.body=Curiosity killed the cat. But it doesn’t kill Habbos who just want to collect weird stuff, so indulge if you wish.
landing.view.may21r4.button=See the rare

landing.view.may21sell.header=NEW: Sellable Room Bundles!
landing.view.may21sell.body=Habbos – HUGE news. You can now sell bundles you make to other Habbos, and get a slice of the profits! Check our recent website article and FAQs for details.
landing.view.may21sell.button=See the Habbo-made bundles!

earnings.roombundle.label=Room bundle
earning.roombundlesale.description=%soldBundleAmountDuringBC% bundles sold during BC period.%soldBundleAmountDuringNonBC% bundles sold during non-BC period.By being a BC member you would have earned %moreCredits% more credits. price too low.
room.bundle.ducket.price.too.high=Sorry, but the total ducket value of your bundle (%bundlePrice%) would exceed the purse’s ducket limit (%ducketLimit%).
room.bundle.purchase.confirmation=You’re buying a room bundle, which contains the room with the following items.
room.bundle.recall.success=Room bundle successfully recalled from sales.
room.bundle.rejected.items=Unfortunately the following items can’t be included in a room bundle:
room.bundle.submit.success=Room bundle submitted successfully. It can now be found in the navigator’s room bundle section.


vedo qualcosa di molto interessante


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