Sul server Sulake sono stati caricati tanti nuovi Codici, ecco le novità principali:
Arriveranno i Vestiti Cyberpunk, acquistabili dal Catalogo (clicca qui per scoprirli);
Sarà disponibile il Raro LTD RoboFrank (clicca qui per scoprirlo), sempre durante l'Evento Cyberpunk;
Arriveranno in Catalogo i nuovi Furni Cyberpunk (clicca qui per scoprirli);
Sarà acquistabile l'Affare Stanza "Città di Neo", legato all'Evento Cyberpunk;
Oltre all'Affare Stanza sopra citato, ce ne sarà anche uno legato alla festa di San Patrizio (17 marzo), patrono dell'Irlanda.
landing.view.cp15clothing.button=See the clothes
landing.view.cp15clothing.header=Habbo Couture: CyberPunk
landing.view.cp15clothing.body=Bright lights, big hoods and lots of neon - Cyberpunk clothing is straight from the streets of Neo-Habbo and ready for Habbos like you.Bright lights, big hoods and lots of neon - Cyberpunk clothing is straight from the streets of Neo - Habbo and ready for Habbos like you.
landing.view.cp15ltd.header=RoboFrank LTD is watching...
landing.view.cp15ltd.body=High from the sky, surveying the Habbos below, RoboFrank is watching everything. Controlled by the allusive Master Bot, this LTD surveys the streets of Neo-Habbo
landing.view.cp15newfurni.button=See the furni
landing.view.cp15newfurni.header=Big City, High Tech - Cyberpunk is here
landing.view.cp15newfurni.body=Light-filled cityscapes and brightly lit skyscrapers looming overhead...This is the dark, dark furni line of the future. The future called Neo-Habbo.
landing.view.cp15cyberbundle.button=See the bundle
landing.view.cp15cyberbundle.header=City of Neo-Habbo Bundle
landing.view.cp15cyberbundle.body=Robo Junk piled to the ceilings, sirens in the distance and searchlights filling the sky - This bundle comes with everything the Neo-Habbo citizen could need to stay on the grid. Includes badge!
landing.view.cp15stpat.button=Check it out
landing.view.cp15stpat.header=St. Patricks Day Bundle
landing.view.cp15stpat.body=All the way from Ireland, this wee little bundle comes packed with a ton of furni PLUS a merry little Leprechaun, full of energy and ready to make your day! This room comes full of ways for your new Irish friend cause trouble. Includes badge.
Probabilmente mi ripeterò ma NON POSSO PIU' ASPETTAREEEE ç_ç E c'è anche San Patrizio aaaagh sarà una settimana stupenda
San Patrizio.. yeahh!
mmm capito
Okay! Spero arrivino lunedì