
Ricorda di non usare la stessa password che stai usando su Habbo.

Per verificare il tuo Nome Habbo, scrivi temporaneamente questo codice nel tuo Motto Habbo: HT_5msHVKR

Ho letto e accetto la privacy policy e permetto a “HabboTravel” di raccogliere i dati che invio tramite questo form.*

General (website) is an official Habbo Fansite. By using the website you undertake to follow these terms, the Italian law and the Habbo Ways. The website has the right to change these terms without any notice.

The website is authorized to use Habbo IPs as written in the Habbo Fansite Policy. All original content based on Habbo's IPs and created by the website is the property of the website, therefore it is not permitted to copy or share it without permission.

Creating Contents
The user has the ability to create content on the website, for example by leaving a comment. The content must be appropriate and must not harm other users or third parties. The website has the right to delete any content created by the user without notice. The website also has the right to share and use any user-created content without notice.

Data collection
The website records the data that the user has given and that we have obtained from the browser. The data will never be released to third party agents. The password set in the registration form will never be stored in readable form as it is encrypted with one-way encryption.

The website uses cookies for better accessibility and user experience.